That at a certain time Mr. Povy did carry him an account of the state of the Duke of York's estate, showing in faithfullness how he spent more than his estate would bear, by above 20000l. per annum, and asked my Lord's opinion of it; ... to hold his hands a little; but my Lord would not, but would have him go on, and so Sir Thomas Clifford advised also, which one would think, if he were a statesman worth a fart should be a sign of his foreseeing that all shall do well. ...
I tried, with difficulty, to picture it: No bhotels/b, no beachside restaurants, no parasailing rentals, no restrooms, no screaming kids, no parking lots, and no lifeguards. Just sand and sun and water and tits and penises. Is it possible? ...
In this photo, you are seeing silly towel hats and bfart/b noise instruction. In this photo, this is what you would call a Toddler Burrito with a side of Silly Sunglasses. Lots of family fun. And even a photo shoot with a "supermodel" for ...